The final round of knowledge-based reality show titled, “Ispahani Mirzapore Banglabid” (an expert of Bangla) was held at the capital’s Bangabandhu International Conference Center yesterday.
MM Ispahani Limited and Channel i jointly organised the event to inspire youths to use Bangla language in their everyday activities.
The show started in February with 35,000 participants and on the final day, Susrat Sayem, a student of Viqarunnisa Noon School and College, became the winner.
At the event, Cultural Affairs Minister Asaduzzaman Noor stressed the need for spelling and pronouncing Bangla words correctly.
Terming the style of language used in different dramas improper, he urged everyone to discard such use of language. “Otherwise, the new generation will be confused,” he said.
Faridur Reza Sagor, managing director of Channel i, also spoke.
Dhaka University Bangla Professor Dr Soumitra Shekhar, agriculture development activist Shykh Seraj and eminent actress Suborna Mustafa were the judges.